Training of the Traditional Strategy | Iga Fuzan School


Training of the Traditional Strategy

Everyone must want to become a strategist who makes full use use of the traditional strategy, devises a plan, and leads to victory. However, most of them cannot imagine what to do and how to do to become a strategist.

Keiken Teiyou”, the fundamental book of Iga Fuzan School, is consist of 9 volumes and 11 parts. If you study them in order, you can learn knowledges and skills required for a strategist.

Here, you can see explanations of the Iga Fuzan School’s training method, rank and certificate which show steps of your training, and strategist title, master name, and teaching license acquired as results of your training.

Training Method

兵法修行法|伊賀風山流 兵法教室
兵法修行法 入門後は、段階を踏んで兵法の修行を行うことになります。伊賀風山流の兵法修行法には、「兵書」「陣法」「坐工」「兵談」の4つがあります。ここでは、それぞれの内容をご紹介します。 兵書 軍師になるためには多くの知識が必要です。そのため

Rank and Certificate

伝位・免状|伊賀風山流 兵法教室
伝位・免状 伊賀風山流の根本伝書である『経権提要』は、訓童から天官・八陣まで十一の部に分けて兵法の次序を定めています。現在の当流では、これに基づいて、初伝から最高位に位置する奥伝に至る伝位・免状制度を定めています。 門人は、修行の段階に応じ

Strategist Title, Master Name, and Teaching License

軍師位・兵名・兵法授与之指南の証|伊賀風山流 兵法教室
軍師位・兵名・兵法授与之指南の証 伊賀風山流では、伝位・免状とは別に、軍師位、兵名、兵法授与之指南の証の制度を定めています。ここでは、それぞれの制度について解説しています。 軍師位 当流では、流祖・伊賀風山子が伊勢安濃津(藤堂家)、美濃加納

Contact Us|Iga Fuzan School

Iga Fuzan School disseminates the traditional strategy through online schools and virtual lectures for government and municipal offices, universities and schools. If you are interested in or want to study the traditional strategy, please contact us through the following contact form.